Friends of World Peace Wetland Prairie
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Mayor of Fayetteville AR announces intention to run for re-election at 2 p.m. on the Fayetteville Square near the entrance to the Old Post Office: Everyone invited!
The Mayor is announcing to run for re-election TODAY, and if you want a short fun event to see friends, catch some sun, and enjoy the downtown square, I hope you will come out - today 2 pm, on the square just outside the Old Post Office! I think Lioneld has done a great job, I hope to see you there!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
OMNI events TODAY too good to miss
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE.
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="300" src="" width="400" /></a></div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="287" src="" width="400" /></a></div>
Site Map for Sunday gathering.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of Lauren D. Hawkins' new design for OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left;"><tbody>
<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="231" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">New OMNI design by Lauren D. Hawkins in December 2011</td></tr>
2012 -- A year of consequence begins
OMNI Members & Friends Gathering ! January 22, 2012
6:00 pm
LifeStyles Building
Sunday January 22, 2012, is the next Members and Friends Gathering. Join your friends at 6:00 pm at the new home of sister -nonprofit LifeStyles, 2590 W. Sycamore. We'll send a map next week. They have a really beautiful and quirky new building that you'll love visiting. It's colorful, friendly and spacious... lots of room for us to do music, have a hot January meal, and fun breakout sessions, where the talking can happen. Join OMNI friends to ponder the future of peace in the uncertain new age.
Breakout sessions have been confirmed, and as always, there's too much good stuff. Here's what we have:
The Future of Peace- Jacob George and Gladys Tiffany talk about the glimmers of positive change happening, and give you something you can do to encourage young Afghan peace workers right now.
The Future of Earth - Robert McAfee, and several area experts are prepared to update you on things we can't help but worry about. Many of them are attending the Citizens First environental caucus
this weekend, and will have current info on upcoming legislation, hopefully including the state water plan, now in the works.
Future Leaders for the Culture of Peace- OMNI's Youth Programs is organizing work with college and high school age students. It's exciting, and if you're that age, or if you have family or friends who are... or if you'd like to find out what's happening, you'll want to be here. Meet the Youth Resource Board, and the Youth Programs VISTA volunteer coordinating the program. Pretty cool.
The Future of the Occupy Movement -- A group of Occupy Northwest Arkansas members are coming to update you on what the local and national movements are planning; including reports on the "Occupy the Courts" that you're invited to join. Friday January 20 at noon, meet on the Town Square in front of Odom Law Office at Mountain and Block. You'll march the short one-block to the Federal Building together. January 20 is the 2nd anniversary of the odious "Citizens United" court decision that made money equal speech.
EARTH DAY 2012 !- Last but not least, Donna Stjerna is working with area enviro groups on the annual Earth Month celebration in April. She has dynamo ideas about centering the whole thing on TREES, and has convinced the whole town to go for it. There's a big concert in the works, and other activities. She could use volunteer help, and of course it'll be really fun. Find out what the plans are, and where you could fit in at this session.
PRAIRIE: Lauren D. Hawkins and Aubrey James Shepherd share photos and information about the prairies surrounding Fayetteville and how to help maintain World Peace Wetland Prairie, a city-owned, neighborhood-maintained nature park that would not exist if OMNI's founder, James Richard Bennett, had not provided a donation of $25,000, (one-fifth of the purchase price of the land) to purchase this karst-based, natural flow-area of a large parcel of seasonal wet prairie in south Fayetteville AR.
Remember that the menu for the evening is veggie lasagna, fresh salad, bread and simple desert.
OMNI cooks do a mean lasagna.
For detail, contact Gladys at 479-935-4422 or
OMNI and Community Events
Veggie Potluck
Upcoming Events
Jan 22 - WE Connection presentation 2:00 pm - Showing of movie "Thrive" Beginning early to allow time for the movie, a bit of conversation, and preparation for the Member Gathering. Jan 22 - don't forget the wow-level OMNI Members and Friends Gathering at 6:00 pm
Photo and video from <a href="">OMNI meeting</a> site: Preview with more to come after the event at the same URL Internet link.
Jan 25 - Visiting Tibetan Lama - 6:00 pm - Geshe Dakpa Togyal speaks at Fayetteville Library. Author, teacher, on Jan 25 he speaks on "Modern Ethics & Traditional Wisdom." His visit concludes Jan 30 with a talk at UA on "Nonviolence." More info coming.
Jan 28 - Bicycle Coalition of the Ozarks Annual Member Meeting - 3:00 @OMNI Center. Everyone invited.
Feb. 19 HOWL moves to OMNI - 6:00 pm - After years of meeting at Nightbird Books (love 'em), HOWL will now move to OMNI on 3rd Sunday evenings. Wonderful women writers will read their own or somebody's fascinating writing. Everyone welcome to listen in.
Feb 26 - Climate Change Book Club - 2:00 pm, Fay Public Library Walker Room. Discussing the book "End of Growth." You do not need to read the book to join in.
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE.

Site Map for Sunday gathering.
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of Lauren D. Hawkins' new design for OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
2012 -- A year of consequence begins
OMNI Members & Friends Gathering ! January 22, 2012
6:00 pm
LifeStyles Building
Sunday January 22, 2012, is the next Members and Friends Gathering. Join your friends at 6:00 pm at the new home of sister -nonprofit LifeStyles, 2590 W. Sycamore. We'll send a map next week. They have a really beautiful and quirky new building that you'll love visiting. It's colorful, friendly and spacious... lots of room for us to do music, have a hot January meal, and fun breakout sessions, where the talking can happen. Join OMNI friends to ponder the future of peace in the uncertain new age.
Breakout sessions have been confirmed, and as always, there's too much good stuff. Here's what we have:
The Future of Peace- Jacob George and Gladys Tiffany talk about the glimmers of positive change happening, and give you something you can do to encourage young Afghan peace workers right now.
The Future of Earth - Robert McAfee, and several area experts are prepared to update you on things we can't help but worry about. Many of them are attending the Citizens First environental caucus
this weekend, and will have current info on upcoming legislation, hopefully including the state water plan, now in the works.
Future Leaders for the Culture of Peace- OMNI's Youth Programs is organizing work with college and high school age students. It's exciting, and if you're that age, or if you have family or friends who are... or if you'd like to find out what's happening, you'll want to be here. Meet the Youth Resource Board, and the Youth Programs VISTA volunteer coordinating the program. Pretty cool.
The Future of the Occupy Movement -- A group of Occupy Northwest Arkansas members are coming to update you on what the local and national movements are planning; including reports on the "Occupy the Courts" that you're invited to join. Friday January 20 at noon, meet on the Town Square in front of Odom Law Office at Mountain and Block. You'll march the short one-block to the Federal Building together. January 20 is the 2nd anniversary of the odious "Citizens United" court decision that made money equal speech.
EARTH DAY 2012 !- Last but not least, Donna Stjerna is working with area enviro groups on the annual Earth Month celebration in April. She has dynamo ideas about centering the whole thing on TREES, and has convinced the whole town to go for it. There's a big concert in the works, and other activities. She could use volunteer help, and of course it'll be really fun. Find out what the plans are, and where you could fit in at this session.
PRAIRIE: Lauren D. Hawkins and Aubrey James Shepherd share photos and information about the prairies surrounding Fayetteville and how to help maintain World Peace Wetland Prairie, a city-owned, neighborhood-maintained nature park that would not exist if OMNI's founder, James Richard Bennett, had not provided a donation of $25,000, (one-fifth of the purchase price of the land) to purchase this karst-based, natural flow-area of a large parcel of seasonal wet prairie in south Fayetteville AR.
Remember that the menu for the evening is veggie lasagna, fresh salad, bread and simple desert.
OMNI cooks do a mean lasagna.
For detail, contact Gladys at 479-935-4422 or
OMNI and Community Events
Veggie Potluck
Upcoming Events
Jan 22 - WE Connection presentation 2:00 pm - Showing of movie "Thrive" Beginning early to allow time for the movie, a bit of conversation, and preparation for the Member Gathering. Jan 22 - don't forget the wow-level OMNI Members and Friends Gathering at 6:00 pm
Photo and video from OMNI meeting site: Preview with more to come after the event at the same URL Internet link.
Jan 25 - Visiting Tibetan Lama - 6:00 pm - Geshe Dakpa Togyal speaks at Fayetteville Library. Author, teacher, on Jan 25 he speaks on "Modern Ethics & Traditional Wisdom." His visit concludes Jan 30 with a talk at UA on "Nonviolence." More info coming.
Jan 28 - Bicycle Coalition of the Ozarks Annual Member Meeting - 3:00 @OMNI Center. Everyone invited.
Feb. 19 HOWL moves to OMNI - 6:00 pm - After years of meeting at Nightbird Books (love 'em), HOWL will now move to OMNI on 3rd Sunday evenings. Wonderful women writers will read their own or somebody's fascinating writing. Everyone welcome to listen in.
Feb 26 - Climate Change Book Club - 2:00 pm, Fay Public Library Walker Room. Discussing the book "End of Growth." You do not need to read the book to join in.
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="300" src="" width="400" /></a></div>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="287" src="" width="400" /></a></div>
Site Map for Sunday gathering.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of Lauren D. Hawkins' new design for OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: left;"><tbody>
<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="231" src="" width="400" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">New OMNI design by Lauren D. Hawkins in December 2011</td></tr>
2012 -- A year of consequence begins
OMNI Members & Friends Gathering ! January 22, 2012
6:00 pm
LifeStyles Building
Sunday January 22, 2012, is the next Members and Friends Gathering. Join your friends at 6:00 pm at the new home of sister -nonprofit LifeStyles, 2590 W. Sycamore. We'll send a map next week. They have a really beautiful and quirky new building that you'll love visiting. It's colorful, friendly and spacious... lots of room for us to do music, have a hot January meal, and fun breakout sessions, where the talking can happen. Join OMNI friends to ponder the future of peace in the uncertain new age.
Breakout sessions have been confirmed, and as always, there's too much good stuff. Here's what we have:
The Future of Peace- Jacob George and Gladys Tiffany talk about the glimmers of positive change happening, and give you something you can do to encourage young Afghan peace workers right now.
The Future of Earth - Robert McAfee, and several area experts are prepared to update you on things we can't help but worry about. Many of them are attending the Citizens First environental caucus
this weekend, and will have current info on upcoming legislation, hopefully including the state water plan, now in the works.
Future Leaders for the Culture of Peace- OMNI's Youth Programs is organizing work with college and high school age students. It's exciting, and if you're that age, or if you have family or friends who are... or if you'd like to find out what's happening, you'll want to be here. Meet the Youth Resource Board, and the Youth Programs VISTA volunteer coordinating the program. Pretty cool.
The Future of the Occupy Movement -- A group of Occupy Northwest Arkansas members are coming to update you on what the local and national movements are planning; including reports on the "Occupy the Courts" that you're invited to join. Friday January 20 at noon, meet on the Town Square in front of Odom Law Office at Mountain and Block. You'll march the short one-block to the Federal Building together. January 20 is the 2nd anniversary of the odious "Citizens United" court decision that made money equal speech.
EARTH DAY 2012 !- Last but not least, Donna Stjerna is working with area enviro groups on the annual Earth Month celebration in April. She has dynamo ideas about centering the whole thing on TREES, and has convinced the whole town to go for it. There's a big concert in the works, and other activities. She could use volunteer help, and of course it'll be really fun. Find out what the plans are, and where you could fit in at this session.
PRAIRIE: Lauren D. Hawkins and Aubrey James Shepherd share photos and information about the prairies surrounding Fayetteville and how to help maintain World Peace Wetland Prairie, a city-owned, neighborhood-maintained nature park that would not exist if OMNI's founder, James Richard Bennett, had not provided a donation of $25,000, (one-fifth of the purchase price of the land) to purchase this karst-based, natural flow-area of a large parcel of seasonal wet prairie in south Fayetteville AR.
Remember that the menu for the evening is veggie lasagna, fresh salad, bread and simple desert.
OMNI cooks do a mean lasagna.
For detail, contact Gladys at 479-935-4422 or
OMNI and Community Events
Veggie Potluck
Upcoming Events
Jan 22 - WE Connection presentation 2:00 pm - Showing of movie "Thrive" Beginning early to allow time for the movie, a bit of conversation, and preparation for the Member Gathering. Jan 22 - don't forget the wow-level OMNI Members and Friends Gathering at 6:00 pm
Photo and video from <a href="">OMNI meeting</a> site: Preview with more to come after the event at the same URL Internet link.
Jan 25 - Visiting Tibetan Lama - 6:00 pm - Geshe Dakpa Togyal speaks at Fayetteville Library. Author, teacher, on Jan 25 he speaks on "Modern Ethics & Traditional Wisdom." His visit concludes Jan 30 with a talk at UA on "Nonviolence." More info coming.
Jan 28 - Bicycle Coalition of the Ozarks Annual Member Meeting - 3:00 @OMNI Center. Everyone invited.
Feb. 19 HOWL moves to OMNI - 6:00 pm - After years of meeting at Nightbird Books (love 'em), HOWL will now move to OMNI on 3rd Sunday evenings. Wonderful women writers will read their own or somebody's fascinating writing. Everyone welcome to listen in.
Feb 26 - Climate Change Book Club - 2:00 pm, Fay Public Library Walker Room. Discussing the book "End of Growth." You do not need to read the book to join in.
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE.

Site Map for Sunday gathering.
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of Lauren D. Hawkins' new design for OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
![]() |
New OMNI design by Lauren D. Hawkins in December 2011 |
2012 -- A year of consequence begins
OMNI Members & Friends Gathering ! January 22, 2012
6:00 pm
LifeStyles Building
Sunday January 22, 2012, is the next Members and Friends Gathering. Join your friends at 6:00 pm at the new home of sister -nonprofit LifeStyles, 2590 W. Sycamore. We'll send a map next week. They have a really beautiful and quirky new building that you'll love visiting. It's colorful, friendly and spacious... lots of room for us to do music, have a hot January meal, and fun breakout sessions, where the talking can happen. Join OMNI friends to ponder the future of peace in the uncertain new age.
Breakout sessions have been confirmed, and as always, there's too much good stuff. Here's what we have:
The Future of Peace- Jacob George and Gladys Tiffany talk about the glimmers of positive change happening, and give you something you can do to encourage young Afghan peace workers right now.
The Future of Earth - Robert McAfee, and several area experts are prepared to update you on things we can't help but worry about. Many of them are attending the Citizens First environental caucus
this weekend, and will have current info on upcoming legislation, hopefully including the state water plan, now in the works.
Future Leaders for the Culture of Peace- OMNI's Youth Programs is organizing work with college and high school age students. It's exciting, and if you're that age, or if you have family or friends who are... or if you'd like to find out what's happening, you'll want to be here. Meet the Youth Resource Board, and the Youth Programs VISTA volunteer coordinating the program. Pretty cool.
The Future of the Occupy Movement -- A group of Occupy Northwest Arkansas members are coming to update you on what the local and national movements are planning; including reports on the "Occupy the Courts" that you're invited to join. Friday January 20 at noon, meet on the Town Square in front of Odom Law Office at Mountain and Block. You'll march the short one-block to the Federal Building together. January 20 is the 2nd anniversary of the odious "Citizens United" court decision that made money equal speech.
EARTH DAY 2012 !- Last but not least, Donna Stjerna is working with area enviro groups on the annual Earth Month celebration in April. She has dynamo ideas about centering the whole thing on TREES, and has convinced the whole town to go for it. There's a big concert in the works, and other activities. She could use volunteer help, and of course it'll be really fun. Find out what the plans are, and where you could fit in at this session.
PRAIRIE: Lauren D. Hawkins and Aubrey James Shepherd share photos and information about the prairies surrounding Fayetteville and how to help maintain World Peace Wetland Prairie, a city-owned, neighborhood-maintained nature park that would not exist if OMNI's founder, James Richard Bennett, had not provided a donation of $25,000, (one-fifth of the purchase price of the land) to purchase this karst-based, natural flow-area of a large parcel of seasonal wet prairie in south Fayetteville AR.
Remember that the menu for the evening is veggie lasagna, fresh salad, bread and simple desert.
OMNI cooks do a mean lasagna.
For detail, contact Gladys at 479-935-4422 or
OMNI and Community Events
Veggie Potluck
Upcoming Events
Jan 22 - WE Connection presentation 2:00 pm - Showing of movie "Thrive" Beginning early to allow time for the movie, a bit of conversation, and preparation for the Member Gathering. Jan 22 - don't forget the wow-level OMNI Members and Friends Gathering at 6:00 pm
Photo and video from OMNI meeting site: Preview with more to come after the event at the same URL Internet link.
Jan 25 - Visiting Tibetan Lama - 6:00 pm - Geshe Dakpa Togyal speaks at Fayetteville Library. Author, teacher, on Jan 25 he speaks on "Modern Ethics & Traditional Wisdom." His visit concludes Jan 30 with a talk at UA on "Nonviolence." More info coming.
Jan 28 - Bicycle Coalition of the Ozarks Annual Member Meeting - 3:00 @OMNI Center. Everyone invited.
Feb. 19 HOWL moves to OMNI - 6:00 pm - After years of meeting at Nightbird Books (love 'em), HOWL will now move to OMNI on 3rd Sunday evenings. Wonderful women writers will read their own or somebody's fascinating writing. Everyone welcome to listen in.
Feb 26 - Climate Change Book Club - 2:00 pm, Fay Public Library Walker Room. Discussing the book "End of Growth." You do not need to read the book to join in.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
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